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Training Students in Ukraine

Download the October edition of The Harvest Times.

In 2011, Gordon and Nancy Snider returned to the States after 15 years of ministry in Ukraine. Many of you stood with the Sniders through gifts and prayers. With the help of your generosity, many, many lives were touched and transformed.

Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary continues to prepare students. For the 2015-16 academic year, over 80 students have enrolled to train for Christian ministry during a time in which their country is basically at war. Thousands of refugees have fled to Zaporozhye to escape the war zone in the east. Graduates of the college have been at the forefront of providing both spiritual and humanitarian aid to those refugees, as well as to the soldiers at the front and the elderly who are unable to escape the conflict zone. These graduates are finding this is a reaping time for souls in Ukraine.

When the Sniders left Ukraine, the World Mission Board established an annual $2,000 scholarship in their honor to help fund a needy student at the college. At present, however, that fund is virtually empty. In October, the Sniders will be returning to Ukraine for the first time since they left in 2011. Gordon will be teaching a course on Isaiah at the college. They are hoping to be able to take the next installment of scholarship funds with them when they go.

If you and/or your church would be interested in contributing to this project for next school year, you may send your offering to the World Mission office. Please note on your check that the funds are for the ZBCS scholarship fund.

Thank you so much for your faithfulness in the past. Please continue to pray for the people of Ukraine. Pray also for the Sniders as they return to their adopted homeland October 9-27 that it would be a time of successful ministry.


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