Outreach to Buddhists in Myanmar

The Lord blessed and enabled us to conduct Crusade for Buddhists at Faith Bible Church in Mandalay City, Myanmar from 24th -26th September 2015.
Humanly speaking, its very difficult to invite the Non Christians to come to the Crusade. But thank God for using our Missionaries as well as our believers to be able to invite the Non Christians for three days Crusade.
Workers Evangelist Ngian Thun -- He is from Yangon and taught the salvation of Jesus Christ for three days. Please pray for him continually, that the Lord will use him mightily even in the days to come. Mr. Saw Hlaing -- He is also from Yangon. The Lord mightily used him to sing the gospel songs in the Myanmar traditional way. The non-Christians really enjoyed singing the gospel songs in their own styles. Elizabeth, Bawi Bawi, and Zin Se -- They teach in our preschool and taught the children during the Crusade so that the parents could listen when the gospel was preached and taught. About the Crusade The first day, September 24 -- 84 adults and about 20 children from Buddhist families came to the Crusade. The second day, September 25 -- 96 adults and more than 40 children from Buddhist families came to the Crusade. The third day, on September 26 -- 86 Adults and about 15 Children from Buddhist families came to the Crusade. God’s Provision We expected about 50 Buddhists for three days, but when the time came, more than twice the number of Buddhists came to the Crusade beyond our expectation. But Praise God for providing for the needs. The Result On the third day at the end of the teaching, we invited them to come forward if they really believed Jesus Christ or if they really want to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord. More than 35 Buddhists came to the pulpit and knelt down before the Lord, praying the sinner’s prayer for the first time. Praise God. Please Pray
Please pray for those who listened to the Gospel for three days that they will all be born again soon.
Pray for those who accepted Christ, that they will stand firmly in their faith.
Pray that the new converts will be actively involved in local churches.
We praise the Lord that a few new converts attended our church worship service the next Sunday.