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Is God Really Good?

Download the September issue of The Harvest Times.

When we sent the monthly funds to Haiti in August, it happened: a robbery.

Pastor Samson and a brother who attended the Delmas 6 church were about two miles from the bank after receiving the funds when they were accosted by a thief with a gun. He fired the gun, and the bullet traveled through Pastor Samson’s hand to fatally injure the other brother. The funds were stolen, as were Pastor Samson’s phone and personal ID.

Pastor Samson and his wife, Marie

Our hearts were torn as soon as we learned of the incident. The deceased man was thirty-nine and leaves a wife and child in dire circumstances. Pastor Samson was able to have surgery and expects to regain use of his hand, but how long does it take to cope with that kind of trauma? With the help of a donor, we were able to send funds to Pastor Samson and this brother’s family, but we feel it is so little in

comparison with such a tragedy.

Will you pray for Pastor Samson, that he would regain full use of his hand? Will you pray for the grieving widow and her daughter who live in extreme poverty? The burglar did not escape, but was immediately assailed by a mob and killed. Will you pray for those who choose to go to such desperate measures?

Pastor Samson responded in an email a few days later, affirming his continued faith in God. “[Jesus] is good all the time, no matter what happens. I thank you . . . for your sympathy and all of your support, your prayers in this difficult time. Life is so fragile and short everywhere on earth. Please, continue to pray for us in Haiti; we have a serious situation here.”


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