A Visit to PNG: The Doyle Family
Download the January issue of The Harvest Times.
Traveling to Papua New Guinea is no small thing, as Director Mark Surbrook and Chairman Joe Trussell experienced firsthand last October. They left Kansas City on a Sunday evening, but did not arrive in PNG until Tuesday. When you consider that PNG is also 16 hours ahead of Central Standard Time, the men were no doubt glad for a chance to rest overnight before taking the final leg of their arrival—a small plane inland to Ukarumpa.

Joe Trussell, Mark Surbrook, and the Doyle family: Larry, Christy, Amaziah, Lawrance, and Jacob
Ukarumpa is the largest missionary compound in the world with about 400 expatriates living there. Larry and Christy Doyle are among these expats, all working in some capacity to see the Bible translated into the languages of Papua New Guinea. Larry works as Senior Manager of Language Programs, and his boss spoke very highly of him and his work.
While Larry works at the office full-time, Christy homeschools the two oldest boys, Lawrance (age 7) and Amaziah (age 5), and watches Jacob (age 2). Lawrance also takes certain special classes such as computer and PE at the local school. Christy participates in a couple of Bible studies in addition to her duties at home.
Mark and Joe enjoyed their visit with the Doyles. Thank you for your continued prayers for their ministry.
Bible Translation Statistics: From Summer Institute of Linguistics, 2015
839 living languages in PNG 167 languages currently engaged 321 languages need engagement. 203 languages with New Testaments 513 personnel working in PNG.