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A Growing Church in Bolivia

Download the April issue of The Harvest Times.

Isaac Quino pastors the 9 de Abril church in Bolivia. He was one of five candidates ordained at the National Convention in January this year, passing an eight-page written exam and an oral exam with his wife.

The Bolivian Church has set goals for growth. As former missionary Paul Confer explained, the Church’s goals are “that every established church must begin and present a viable daughter church 1 time every 4 years. There are approximately 165 churches now and they are pushing for a 16% growth annually.”

Churches are springing up in new neighborhoods in the Cochabamba and Santa Cruz areas.

In the last 72 years, many faithful missionaries have served in Bolivia. And today the Church continues to march ahead under Bolivian leadership. Thank you for your continued prayers for our brothers and sisters in Bolivia!

Board of Elders in 2016


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