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Counting Our Blessings and Blessing Others: Annual Harvest Offering 2021

The month of November is now upon us, at which time our attention naturally turns to counting our blessings. In spite of many ills and troubles in our lives at times, we all have much for which to be thankful.

Some people post their gratitude on social media every day in the month of November. Others speak their thanks around the table at Thanksgiving. Still others are no doubt reminded to include more gratitude in their prayers during this season.

The month of November is also traditionally the month of the Annual Harvest Offering for World Missions. As you consider what you are thankful for, will you also consider what God might have you give to help those who are facing difficulties on our mission fields?

Our thoughts turn, in particular, to the field of Haiti. They have endured increased gang activity, the assassination of their president, shocking inflation (gas recently at $24 per gallon), and an earthquake in August which was followed two days later by heavy rains from Tropical Depression Grace.

Our church and school buildings at Gauthier on the southern peninsula sustained much damage from the earthquake.

Many have already given out of generous hearts, and over $24,000 has been donated for relief and rebuilding. We are so grateful for every offering for this need!

Total repair costs may be double or triple this amount. Will you consider what you might give during this season of gratitude to bless our Haitian brothers and sisters? As we count our blessings, let’s ask how God would have us bless others.

Thank you, and may God bless you.

Mark Surbrook



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