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Bible Study Aids in Spanish

A quick grin and a cheerful greeting—these are what you will receive if you stop by René Bardales’ office in the Herald and Banner building.

René Bardales and his daughter, Ruth Stephenson, at his 90th birthday party in 2018.

Bro. Bardales is now into his ninth decade, and some in his position would have perhaps thought they deserved to retire. But as God has given him strength, Bro. Bardales continues his ministry of Spanish Ministerial Resources.

A Bolivian by birth, Bro. Bardales and his wife, Lois, served for 20 years as missionaries in the country of Mexico. Moving to the U.S. in 1987, they continued their involvement in this fruitful ministry from afar for the next 11 years, returning for conferences, etc., as needed.

After their active role in the Mexican ministry had come to an end, Bro. Bardales found himself in prayer, asking God what he could now do. He felt God ask him the question He asked Moses in Exodus 4:2—“What is that in your hand?” Bro. Bardales knew he had a library of Bible study aids, yet he had witnessed for himself many Spanish-speaking pastors and Christian workers who had no such access. The answer to his prayer of how to continue ministering to others was right before him.

Today, Bro. Bardales’ writings in Spanish reach over 1100 pastors in 17 countries, although temporarily, because of the pandemic, shipments to most of Central and South America are on hold.

In the past, one shipment of 10 boxes to Central America cost $1200. “It is really expensive, isn’t it?” he later wrote. “Yes, but the value of putting Bibles studies, sermons, outlines, and tools in the hands of these 175 preachers and Christian workers surpasses the dollars spent.”Donors have faithfully supported Bro. Bardales’ ministry, and these gifts have enabled him to continue. Today, some of his writings can also be found online at

We are thankful for this faithful brother. It is possible that his work now in his “retirement” is his greatest, influencing the most people for Christ.“Please pray for me,” he wrote a month before turning 92, “because I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.” Please also pray for God to continue to bless His Word as it goes out in Spanish by paper and online; He has promised it will not return to Him void.

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