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Easter Celebrations in Cayman Brac

Dr. Gayle Woods, pastor in Cayman Brac, recently wrote about Easter activities: “Good Friday through Easter Monday are public holidays . . . It is the custom here to have a Good Friday service . . . Both churches gathered at the Spot Bay church where I preached a message I titled ‘Paid in Full’ . . . After the message I served communion to the participants.

“That night we went to the Aston Rutty Civic center for the community Easter Cantata. I had been asked to give an invitation at the end of the service which I did. God blessed the time and two ladies prayed to be saved.

“On Easter Sunday we went to a Sunrise Service sponsored by the Minister’s Association. It is always held at Brac Reef dock, a beautiful setting on the southwest end of the island. . . . (Later) that morning our churches had a combined Easter service at the Watering Place church . . .

“We are grateful for all that God is doing here in Cayman Brac. We are especially grateful for your continued prayers and support. I am so glad that I serve a Risen Savior!”

Photo credit: Leah Owens


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