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Ukraine Crisis Fund

From 1996-2011, Gordon and Nancy Snider served as our missionaries in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. There they worked at Zaporozhye Bible College and Seminary which trains young Christian leaders to be effective in ministry.

Today, our friends in Ukraine are facing a crisis for which they did not ask. It is our privilege to stand with them as they suffer under and fight against Russia’s aggression.

One of the founders of ZBCS, European Christian Mission of North America, has set up a Ukraine Crisis Fund. Gordon Snider brought this option to us as a way to help our brothers and sisters in the Zaporozhye area.

If you would like to donate to this need, please make your checks out to “World Missions” with “Ukraine Crisis Fund” in the memo line. You may also click here. One hundred percent of your donations will be forwarded to this fund for our friends there.

Thank you for expressing your love for the people of Ukraine in this tangible way.



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