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Why We Exist: Reaching the Lost

In 1874, Ira Sankey was doing a revival with D. L. Moody in Edinburg. In between services Sankey was reading a religious publication that had “The Ninety and Nine” by Elizabeth Clephane printed in it. What he read touched his heart so deeply that he cut it out and placed it in his vest pocket.

The next day, Moody’s sermon was about the Good Shepherd. As the sermon was coming to a close, Moody asked Sankey to sing something suitable for the invitation. Sankey thought of the words he had tucked away. Though no music had yet been written for it, he went to the organ and struck the chord of A-flat, and right there and then came up with a tune that remains unchanged to this day. A large number responded to the invitation.

The invitation presented was inviting Christians to commit to reaching the lost. What follows are some of the words that spoke to me recently during my devotional time:

There were ninety and nine that safely lay

In the shelter of the fold;

But one was out on the hills away,

Far off from the gates of gold.

Away on the mountains wild and bare;

Away from the tender Shepherd's care.

"Lord, Thou hast here Thy ninety and nine;

Are they not enough for Thee?"

But the Shepherd made answer: "This of Mine

Has wandered away from Me.

And although the road be rough and steep,

I go to the desert to find My sheep."

And all through the mountains, thunder-riv'n,

And up from the rocky steep,

There arose a glad cry to the gate of heav'n,

"Rejoice! I have found My sheep!"

And the angels echoed around the throne,

"Rejoice, for the Lord brings back His own!"


Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd who went to seek and to save that which was lost.

We, who are part of the Churches of God (Holiness), are called to also go, seek, and reach those who are lost with God’s wondrous message of love, forgiveness, and salvation!

This is why the World Missions Department of the Church of God (Holiness) exists—to reach the lost for God’s glory!



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