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Shiloh Bible College Graduation

Download this month's issue of The Harvest Times.

Invitation for Shiloh's 9th graduation service-2.jpg

This year’s graduation ceremony for Shiloh Bible College possibly gained more attention than ever before.

Because the government relaxed restrictions, Pastor Andrew rented space in a local shopping center in October of 2012 for a congregation to meet. Plans were being made for last month’s graduation service to be held here. Pastor Andrew invited other pastors and church leaders, too, and expected about 200 in attendance.

Eight students from five different tribal groups graduated, and a commissioning service was held on February 23. Some of these graduates will be heading to minister in villages that have no church.

A majority of people in Myanmar—about 80%—are Buddhist. Some villages are animistic. Pray for many more souls in Myanmar to hear about the one, true God.


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