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Spanish Ministerial Resources

Download this month's issue of The Harvest Times.

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A laptop computer, a copy machine, study books, reams of paper—these are valuable ministry tools in Rene Bardales’ office. The Herald and Banner graciously provides the space for it all, but Bro. Bardales is no longer translating Sunday school material. Instead, he is producing sermons, outlines, and Bible studies in Spanish on half-sheets, clipped into black binders. He is author, editor, publisher, and shipping master, and his mailing list continues to grow.

When 25 years of active involvement in the work in Mexico concluded in 1998, Bro. Bardales prayed and asked God how he could still be used. In response, he felt God asking the question He had presented to Moses: “What is that in thine hand?” Bro. Bardales looked at what he had, a personal library of Bible commentaries and study aids, and God showed him a way these could be useful for the Kingdom.

From his many years on the mission field, Bro. Bardales knew that there was a lack of training and resources for Spanish-speaking pastors. Thus, Spanish Ministerial Resources was born.

By 2001, the ministry had grown to include 220 pastors in five countries, but that was only the beginning. In 2003, Bro. Bardales began producing these materials full-time, and to date his resources are reaching over 1,100 pastors and Christian workers in 17 countries, including Bolivia, Mexico, Cuba, and Spain. Every binder sent to these 1,100 workers is provided completely free of charge.

As much as God used Bro. Bardales as a missionary in his younger years, it is quite possible that his ministry now in his “retirement” has had the most impact. It has not always been easy, but God continues to strengthen and provide, to the benefit of many pastors and thousands of church members and to the glory of God the Father.

Last February, Daniel Veach wrote to Bro. Bardales from Mexico: “I would like to say ‘thank you’ from several native pastors. I have distributed the materials you gave me to several pastors, and they were very well received. I am using the material in my home church, as well. My Sunday school teacher has decided to use your material for his ministry, and my assistant is reading and studying the same material as he prepares for full-time ministry. One pastor in Ures Sonora is using your material to train five leaders in his young, growing church. This is a very exciting time! . . . Again, thank you for helping in this work. Souls are being won for Cristo.”

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