Thanksgiving in Cayman Brac
Download the December issue of Woods on a Mission for more ministry updates.
While Thanksgiving may be seen as a uniquely U.S. tradition, the church in Cayman Brac has celebrated this holiday numerous times over the years, even though it is not a public holiday here. This year, the Woods invited the church to celebrate Thanksgiving at the mission home.
Approximately 100 people fromour two congregations, as well asthe community, joined us for an evening of food and fun. PastorWoods began the festivities witha short explanation of the significance of Thanksgiving andended with a challenge to givethanks in all circumstances.
We then enjoyed a wonderful meal. Different ones brought a variety of foods. The Woods prepared a couple turkeys, a ham, two apple pies, and two pecan pies. Others brought "American" foods such as turkey, stuffing, etc. as well as various Caribbean dishes, such as rice and beans. The kids enjoyed playing football (soccer for us Americans!) and batting down a piñata.
All told, we had a ton of food, a lot of fun, and a good memory for which to be grateful. God is truly good!