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Victory through Prayer in Cayman Brac

Read the March edition of Woods on a Mission.

In the past several months, we have had several people pray to receive or recommit their lives to Christ as Lord and Savior! One evening, a young man came with his wife to our home for counseling. He wanted to be free from certain sinful habits, but his close friends continually discouraged him. We prayed with him for God’s forgiveness and the change that only God's grace can make. Thank God for the victory this young man is continuing to experience!

On the last Sunday evening of January, our two congregations combined to watch War Room, a Christian movie about the power of prayer. At the close, Pastor Woods invited those who wanted to pray to come forward to altar. Two people came forward and recommitted themselves to Christ!

Since then, during our weeknight services we have been going through a Bible study that uses various video clips from the movie to illustrate spiritual truths. Also, on Sundays Pastor Woods has been preaching a series about prayer.

We truly believe this has been a momentum builder for our church. The past couple midweek services have been quite intense, talking about living the Gospel - extending grace and forgiveness to others as well as receiving God's grace in our lives, and living in victory over our Enemy, and refusing to allow him to have any strongholds in our life created by bitterness, rebellion, unconfessed sin, etc.

Prayer has truly been an emphasis for Pastor Woods, who has been teaching on various aspects of prayer during our mid-week services for several months now. Part of that emphasis has been to pray specifically for lost people to be saved. We were excited to hear a recent Tuesday how the Holy Spirit has been working in one unsaved man, who recently determined to give up drinking alcohol.

Please pray for our church to become strong in prayer!

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