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Training Church Planters in Myanmar

In Myanmar, those hardest to reach with the gospel are Buddhists. In fact, less than one out of every 10 people even identifies himself as Christian.

But that did not deter Andrew Bawi Ceu from moving to a central, strongly Buddhist city in 1999 specifically for the purpose of starting a school to train church planters. Shiloh Bible College began the following year in 2000.

One of the first graduates, Silas and his family work among the Asho people. A 2004 graduate of the Bible college, Silas moved to his current place of ministry in 2009 and has since also reached out to three neighboring villages.

Silas’ newest ministry is a boarding school to provide Christian training to 14 students in his home.

John, a fellow classmate of Silas, has a unique ministry to many civil servants. John is able to preach to policemen, firemen, doctors, and others who come to his city to be trained.

This school year, 30 students have enrolled in Shiloh Bible College. Part of their training is evangelizing in nearby Buddhist villages twice a month. In June and July, students distributed more than 500 gospel tracts and witnessed to 150 non-Christians.

Students and four faculty/staff members of Shiloh Bible College, 2017-2018 school year

Read the September issue of The Harvest Times.


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