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Where does the money go? This is a question that we all ask, and it’s very relevant in our situation with our monthly budget, and we want to be transparent.

The biggest chunk goes toward our ministry and living expenses (including taxes). Another large chunk goes toward health insurance that works anywhere in the world. Thankfully we haven’t needed to use it in PNG/Australia recently, but it has been a blessing in the past and here on furlough. We also contribute to a retirement plan, and Wycliffe and COGH World Missions use a small percentage of what we raise to provide services that we need and constantly use.

Like everyone else, all that we have belongs to God, and we aim to be good stewards.

Wycliffe and World Missions both require that we have pledges for our full budget before we are released to return to PNG. We currently have 49% of the pledges needed.

If you have been partnering with us and plan to continue in prayer or finances, could you please let us or the World Mission office know?

The boys finally got to experience SNOW.

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