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A Testimony from Cayman Brac

Mark Walton, a member of the Spot Bay church in Cayman Brac, passed away in January. Dr. Woods, his pastor, shared:

“I loved to hear him tell of his conversion. He was a sailor (as were many of the older generation from this island). One day in 1960 one of the boilers on his oil tanker blew up. The whole ship was in flames and soon sank. Mark had severe burns on about 90% of his body and spent many months in a hospital in Brazil.

“Mark said that when he was engulfed in flames he looked out and saw Jesus on a cloud. At that moment in his tragedy he promised God that if He would deliver him he would give his heart and life to Jesus as soon as he returned to Cayman Brac. He was true to his promise and served the Lord until God took him home.”

Mark would tell his testimony in church, reminding everyone that time was short and that they needed to be ready when Jesus returned.


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