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Work, Waiting, and COVID-19

Our first few months in Papua New Guinea have been busy, interesting, and even frustrating at times. After almost a year of virtually zero impact, COVID has begun affecting PNG in 2021 in a major way, with widespread transmission in some areas, and a large number of people getting seriously ill and some dying (see

We started right in to working after our quarantine ended in March. The boys jumped into schoolwork even before quarantine ended. Christy is concentrating on the home and homeschooling, but has also resumed volunteering at the clinic 3 half-days per week.

Larry has engaged full-time with Solos work, concentrating for now on the language side of things, starting to review and process all the materials we collected in our years in the village. He has a huge list of questions for future language sessions in the village.

Translation work is currently awaiting the ability to travel and re-connect with the team. Thankfully one of the team members now has access to Facebook, so we can communicate as much as he is able through Messenger. The COVID restrictions are such that we are just now being allowed to travel between provinces, but with severe restrictions, such as isolation for the whole family both before and after each trip, even if only one person is travelling.

This means that Larry may or may not be able to schedule a trip to Buka on the limited flights available, and with all the extra paperwork required. We might have a window in June that could work out, but pray for us as we juggle the possibilities.

Having an overlay of travel restrictions, isolation protocols, and general concerns about the impacts of COVID here in the country also adds to the normal stresses and strains of cross-cultural life. Pray that we would be able to thrive and minister well where God has placed us during this time.

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