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Annual Harvest Offering 2019

How would you describe an average Christian? In the year 1800, the foremost descriptor would have been “white,” as 99% of Christians worldwide lived in Europe and North America.

Today, however, there is a fundamental shift happening. In 1980, the scales tipped, and the Global South began to outnumber Christians in the Global North. An article published by the World Economic Forum states that “By 2060, six of the world's 10 largest Christian countries will be in Africa.” Christianity is also on the rise in Latin America and Asia.

The World Mission Board sees this shift as a door of opportunity. Where once missions planning was centered around the leadership of North American missionaries, we now see churches on our fields coming of age and becoming powerhouses for the Kingdom of God in their own right.

To step through this door and harness this spiritual energy for the good of churches around the world, we are excited to announce Global Conference 2020.

Imagine a venue where Bolivians, Ghanaians, and Jamaicans can sit together, where Burmese, Caymanians, and U. S. Hispanics can share victories and lessons learned. The ideas and direction need no longer be only “top-down” from a mission board in the United States, but followers of Jesus from all our mission fields, including the U. S. and U. S. missionaries, can meet to challenge and encourage one another.

Global Conference 2020 in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, is still in the planning stages, but the possibilities are endless. Would you join with us to support the travel and conference costs for this event? Your donation to this year’s Annual Harvest Offering will help us launch a new era of partnership among our mission fields. We want to see the Kingdom strengthened and more souls reached for the glory of God.

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