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Reaching Teens and Kids at Red Bay

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While those living in the States were grilling hotdogs, eating watermelon, and watching fireworks on July 4, Teen Challenge was in full swing in the British territory of Grand Cayman. Bro. Kim Evans, assistant pastor at Red Bay, led the events, July 1-5; and 32 different teens attended, along with 21 adults to assist.

The following week, July 8-12, was Vacation Bible School. The coordinator, Sis. Carlene Logan, wrote, “This group was more rowdy and took a little time to get under control, but such a fun, loving bunch.” And it is no wonder that these students were a little more enthusiastic—there was an average attendance of 121 kids each night!

Both the kids and the teens learned about “Traveling for God; Destination—Heaven.” The Drama Team helped instill lessons in the hearts of the children, and many other adults—some 65 each night—pitched in and helped make the event a success.

The closing night of VBS was also the program, and about 350 people attended that special event. The following Saturday a picnic was also held and was “a huge success.”

Through the efforts of the Red Bay church, over 150 children and teens heard the gospel message. Carlene wrote, “Most worthy of noting, four of our teen boys accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.” Praise the Lord!

Cayman Islands

  • Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac, and Little Cayman lie northwest of Jamaica and south of Cuba in the Caribbean Sea.

  • Our ministers first visited the Brac in 1932. Today there are two churches in the Brac and one—Red Bay—in Grand Cayman (the island pictured below).

Sis. Anna Gracia Smith Joseph (Sis. Gracie) pastors the Red Bay church.

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