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A Taste of Heaven

Download this month's issue of The Harvest Times.

April 22.JPG

It was once said that the sun never set on the British empire. In 2014, the same could be said about the work of missions. When you are leaving work in the evening, the next day is already starting for our workers in Papua New Guinea. In fact, each day of the week, 24 hours per day, your representatives are engaged in Kingdom work around the world.

On Monday morning, Rene Bardales may be preparing to come to his office in Overland Park, Kansas. Here he writes, copies, and binds sermons and Bible studies for over 1100 Spanish-speaking workers in 17 countries.

On Tuesday, a couple in Asia head to language school. The alphabet and culture are decidedly non-English, but they are learning quickly and already seeing results in deepening friendships with those around them.

Students head to school in the Caribbean on Wednesday. In St. Croix, 330 students arrive to learn. In Haiti, around 900 children are taught.

Thursday evening is midweek service for a couple of our churches in the Cayman Islands, and Friday sees the Doyles continue their work in Papua New Guinea. Larry serves as manager of the Pacific Orientation Course for new missionaries, and Christy leads the nursery there.

Saturday continues various kinds of ministry in more places, and the week culminates with a chorus of believers praising God on Sunday. Feet dance in Ghana, voices lift in prayer in Myanmar, and hands raise in worship in Bolivia. Just imagine the sight! It’s like a taste of heaven: “After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language . . . And they were shouting with a great roar, ‘Salvation comes from our God who sits on the throne and from the Lamb!’” (Revelation 7:9-10).

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