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Woods on a Mission: Getting Ready for Cayman Brac

Download this month's issue of Woods on a Mission.

Thank you so very much for your love and prayers during the adoption process. We are happy to announce that as of October 7, 2014, our forever family includes Joseph (God adds) Miguel (Who is like God) Woods and Noah (a comforter from God) Alejandro (a fortress and defender) Woods.

Now that the adoption is finalized we have cleared the largest hurdle we face in going

into the field. However, we still have an obligation with World Missions. We have been

asked to raise $685.00 of monthly support for four years. This will help to cover

various expenses including social security. Would you prayerfully consider becoming

one of our monthly supporters for the upcoming four years?

You may give online, by phone at 913-432-0303, or by designated check to World Missions, 7407 Metcalf, P.O. Box 4711, Overland Park, KS 66204.

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