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Plans & Preparations

Download this month's issue of The Doyle Dispatch.

June is coming up how soon?!! We have less than five months before we are supposed to be back in Papua New Guinea! So much has happened and 2015 promises even more change for the Doyle family.

Our house is jumbled with boxes as we pack our main shipment that will hopefully get to PNG about the same time we do, while we’re also making lists of things to send later. Meanwhile our work permit and visa paperwork also has to be filled in and sent off to the right places.

In our spare time, we’re also updating our immunizations. Everyone from Jacob to dear old Dad has to get at least one shot. We also have to visit the dentist again before we go.

Amid the chaos of these preparations, we are continuing with our primary work of meeting people and inviting them to partner with us. Our Sunday schedule is almost full, as we visit churches to share what God is doing. (See Back Page.)

We are excited about a new focus on visiting individuals and families to share our stories and a vision of what God can do through us together.

There are lots of opportunities for this type of visit throughout the week, and we want to come see you! Time is short, so get in on this while we’re still here.

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