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We're Counting on YOU!

Download the September issue of The Harvest Times.

Since days in Bible college, after sensing God calling me to preach His glorious salvation through Jesus Christ, I have been drawn to missions. I remember the song we sang at Mt. Carmel High School in the weekly missions service, entitled, “The Sobbing of a Thousand Million Souls,” by Haldor Lillenas. Many have never heard of this song as it never hit the favorites charts, yet the words are gripping.

The Sobbing of a Thousand Million Souls


By Haldor Lillenas

Have you heard the sobbing

of a thousand million souls,

Submerged in darkest heathen night?

Vainly groping for the way

that leads to hope and peace,

They plead and wait for gospel light.


A thousand million souls are dying,

A thousand million souls

for whom the Savior died.

Can you still deny their plea?

Can you longer idle be

While a thousand million souls are dying?

Later, the call to Haiti gripped my heart, and Linda and I were appointed to pioneer the work of the Church of God (Holiness) in Haiti in 1967. In the providence of God we have been privileged to visit other countries on the Master’s business to represent Him and the Church. My interest in World Missions has never diminished through the years.

It is always with a sense of the need of His presence that we work with and for Him. Now more than ever we sense our need of the prayer support of God’s people as we assume the responsibilities of Director of World Missions. It is with joy that I become a part of the great support team to those who give their all to reach some of the “thousand million souls” who need our Savior! You are part of this support team.

Some leave family, friends, and all the amenities of our country to be a representative for our Lord in distant lands and languages. Surely we will support them as they go and pray for them as they face the enemies of the gospel in the power of the Spirit. The time is short, the task is huge. With God all things are possible!

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