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Remembering the Kids

"Lawrance's Bible memory this month is Isaiah chapter 6," Christy Doyle wrote a few days ago from Papua New Guinea. "Amaziah listens in and tries to learn parts of it, too." "Verse 1 (KJV): 'In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple.' Skipping down to verse 4: 'And the posts of the door moved at the voice of him that cried, and the house was filled with smoke.' "A serious revelation hits Amaziah. 'The train made the smoke!'"

This story brings a smile. When we're praying for our missionary families, let's not forget to pray for the children overseas. They face temptations, they need good friends, and they have choices to make just like your children or mine. They need to know Jesus personally and His forgiveness. Zenia Woods recently wrote from Cayman Brac, "Two Sundays ago after David peached an evangelistic message, Joseph went to pray around the altar. I asked him several questions, and he seemed to have a fairly clear understanding. He said, 'I want Jesus to help me do what is right.' I love his desire to follow Christ. I know we will make several trips to the altar during his life time but I am glad he is sensitive to the Holy Spirit."

Thank you for your prayers for our missionary families!

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