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Celebrating a Friend of Missions

Download the August issue of The Harvest Times.

It is a privilege to be able to honor a faithful servant of the Lord and a true friend of World Missions. When Silas McGehee became a World Mission Board member in 1990, he perhaps had little idea what the next 25 years or so of missions involvement had in store. From making several overseas trips, to serving as Board chairman, to serving as Director from 2004-2010, Bro. McGehee has given his best, always serving as unto the Lord.

This year as his current term was ending, Bro. McGehee chose to withhold his name from nomination for the board, feeling that it was time to step down. In thinking of his service, current Chairman, Joe Trussell, summed up Bro. McGehee as a person and a board member well:

“Silas is a man who defies his years. In meetings, even though by far the senior member of the World Missions Board, he gets it - his missiology at times is way more cutting edge than the rest of us who are 20-50 years younger. He has that unique ability to adapt Mission strategy to fit situations, culture and changing times—all of that without one ounce of compromise to the Gospel. Thank you, Brother Silas, for giving of yourself for so many decades to change lives in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth!”

Below: Silas McGehee attended service in Bolivia with missionaries Paul & Lois Confer in 1995.

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