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Another Dedication Celebration!

Our whole family got to attend the Doromu-Koki New Testament dedication at a church in Port Moresby. This is the first time Christy and the boys have been able to attend such an event. This represents many years of work by some friends of ours, as well as two generations of local Bible translators.

There were a number of logistics hurdles, and up until a few weeks prior to the date that had been set we weren’t sure it would happen. But God’s people came together and it went very well as people celebrated the coming of God’s Word in their language. They are a mostly Catholic group, and the priest who led the dedication mass was from Buka! He is a Halia speaker, and he preached a powerful sermon about how the Word of God needs to become ingrained in and lived out through our lives. One of his illustrations was about the Halia NT, whose translators are our friends out in Buka.

Larry will be headed back to Central Province next week to represent our organization at the Central Province Bible Translators’ Retreat, which is a joint effort between everyone working in Bible translation there. It’s a blessing to see people from many denominations and organizations working so closely together to see God’s Word go out!

These three ladies representing the three main clans of the Doromu-Koki people officially received the New Testament on behalf of their people as part of the dedication event.


  • Doromu-Koki NT dedication was glorifying to God!

  • New language personnel looking to allocate: a family and a single man!

  • Progress in setting healthy future direction for language programs

  • A restful vacation in Port Moresby


  • Orientation for new people, since the former main option is closed for now

  • Consultant checking the book of Joshua in Solos this year

  • Communication with the Solos team despite logistics problems

  • God’s guidance in the government: APEC summit happening in PNG in November; Referendum on Independence in Bougainville coming up in June 2019

Download a printable version of the Doyles' newlsetter here.

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