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Honoring a Faithful Servant

We were saddened at the sudden passing of Bob Thompson, Jr, on March 19, 2022.

Bro. Bob served as missionary in Jamaica from 1974-76, and with his wife, Cinda, served as pastor at the Red Bay church in Grand Cayman for 25 years from 1986-2011. He was also currently a member of the World Mission Board, in addition to pastoring the Mt. Zion Church of God (Holiness) in Ava, Missouri.

Whether overseas or in the United States, Bro. Bob was respected and loved by many. His booming voice, ready laugh, and heart of service to the Lord and others will be missed.

Truly, these words apply to our dear brother: "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith" (2 Timothy 4:7). We look forward one day to seeing him again in heaven.

Our prayers and deepest sympathies go out to Cinda and all their family and friends grieving at this time.


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