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Remembering Bro. Rene Bardales

Only one month before his 95th birthday, Bro. Rene Bardales passed from this life to receive his eternal reward. Bro. Bardales and his wife, Lois, served as missionaries in Mexico from 1967-1987. After returning to the United States, he had continued involvement until 1998.

His heart to serve the Lord led him to prepare sermons and Bible study aids in Spanish. By 2001, he was sending his Spanish Ministerial Resources to Christian workers in five different countries. By the time he retired in 2022, he was sending resources to over 1,100 workers in 17 countries.

He showed His love for the Lord through his kindness and generosity to others. He dedicated his life to sharing Jesus to all he could. His quick wit and ready smile will be missed.

To learn more about Bro. Bardales' life from Bolivia to Mexico to the United States, click here:


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