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The Author and the Story

A sweeping tale. A grand saga where the rightful king rescues those he loves from the clutches of the enemy. Restoration out of devastation. Freedom from captivity. Victory instead of crushing defeat.

Would you like to learn more about this story? Hint: it is playing out all around you. You are a part!

The Book of Hebrews refers to God as the “author.” In one sense, the original word tends more toward the idea of “chief leader” or “forerunner” in addition to “originator.” Hebrews 12:2 uses the word in this sense when it calls Jesus “the author and finisher of our faith.” But another word in Greek is also used that tends even more to our traditional understanding of the word “author.” Hebrews 5:9 says Jesus “became the author of eternal salvation.”

The idea of God as the eternal author, pen in hand, is striking. The earth is the setting, ultimate evil threatens mankind, and you and I hang in the balance. Then God Himself—the Author—steps into the story—becomes one of the characters—to turn the tide of evil and bring the story to a glorious conclusion.

There is a reassurance in this idea of God as the Author. This year is more than just a series of unfortunate events. Our lives, our families, and this world are moving at the direction of an infinite mind. And when we are involved in missions, we are playing a role in seeing God’s Kingdom come, His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

We are not to be simply bystanders, but God has called us to be active, promising to work through us as we share His Word with those lost and enslaved. We want to be partners with Him, working toward and ever mindful of that grand scene in heaven where a multitude from every tribe and every language give praise to the Lamb.

Our annual report for 2020 is filled with stories, glimpses into the ways God is working around the world. We would like to share this with you. If you have not received one, please contact us, and we will send one to you.

And as you read it, consider how you or your church might want to be involved. God invites us to have a part in His story.

In the short term, this might mean giving to World Missions’ Annual Harvest Offering. In the long term, this means your continued prayers for our fields, our missionaries, and for more workers.

We know the Author, and we know His purpose will be accomplished in history. It is a privilege to play a role with you in seeing His story completed.


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