When the Journey Is "Too Much"
Anxiety. Depression. Other mental health issues. These are not new to those serving in God’s kingdom, as Elijah experienced. They also don’t make sense, and can peak at times when things are going well. These issues are also not new to our family. Christy has experienced them to varying degrees for many years.
At this time we’re planning to return to the USA for a while to seek treatment for these things, and for some lingering physical health needs, as well. It might take six months, or it might be longer. Larry will continue to work full-time on Solos-related tasks remotely, and we will continue to let you know what’s happening with us.
Out in Buka, the Solos Translation Team is moving ahead with translation in the New Testament (Acts), and greatly appreciated the training Larry was able to provide in February. Plans are being made for adding new team members in the coastal area, and the inland group is going ahead with plans for a whole new team, as well. Hopefully in the coming years we will see the two groups working together to translate Scripture into Solos at a much faster pace.
The past couple of months have been very busy for all the Doyles: Larry has been heavily involved with the Executive Committee (EC) role. He chaired the PNG Branch Conference for several hundred members and all the paid staff in March. In April he led the last regular meeting of his term as EC Chair. Meanwhile Christy is still active at the Clinic, and she has taken the lead in the move from one house to another. The boys are also nearing the end of the school year, so there is quite a bit going on in their lives as well.
We do praise God that although we’re stepping away from Ukarumpa and PNG for a season, and the reasons for that are not easy or pleasant, we are able to leave on a high note, and with good experiences. It is a blessing that our circumstances are positive, even as we face troubling issues. Thank you so much for your part in that as you pray for and invest in us. We are more easily able to look forward to the hope of healing and restoration because of the great team of people we have around us and behind us.
Left: The Scripture Celebration at our recent Conference with all the Scriptures—printed, audio, and video—that were published in local languages across PNG during COVID times.
Center: Amaziah, Jacob, and Lawrance Doyle trying to take a "real" picture on a Sunday after church
Right: Our new (to us) house in Ukarumpa