A Year of Harvest in Cayman Brac
We are thankful for how God is using Gayle and Micki Woods’ ministry in Cayman Brac. Dr. Woods reports that there are several unsaved people attending the two churches, Spot Bay and Watering Place. One couple in particular he feels is very near salvation. Pray for this couple! Dr. Woods is praying that 2021 would be a year of harvest in Cayman Brac.
The Woods continue to lead in making necessary repairs and upgrades for the good of the churches—a new AC unit, a replacement ramp (cement instead of wood), and a new church vehicle, which they use to bring members to services.
In addition to his important work with the churches, Dr. Woods is a member of the Board of Governors of the University College of the Cayman Islands, and he is frequently invited to participate in community events.
Read this month's issue of The Harvest Times.